Friday, February 11, 2011

Outside the Storm Comes

Outside the storm comes
And I sit in silence.

Outside the wind howls
And I am fascinated.
I ask, “Let Your Spirit come,
Come like a wind to my soul

But not like that wind.
That wind howls
And blows and
shakes things violently.”

To unstick this inner turmoil,
To paste it onto nature,
Would look much like the fierce gusts outside.
And yet
I sit here, in silence.

And yet I sit here in


Peace that passes all understanding
Yet understanding
Though the wind blows roughly without
It whispers gently within.
The peace comes not from the storm
But in spite of the storm
And is magnified
       In the blessed contrast.

Shake these unholy things
From my drooping branches!
These unholy, clinging, lifeless forms,
crumpled as they are cut off from
the life source.

In my earnestness to please You
I ask for agony
Yet agony
Must be endured
Though inflicted gently
Your hands shaping me
Removing every dead leaf
Through all the storms
So I may bud
And blossom
And be ever so beautiful.

For now
I am
Completely naked
Arms stretched
to Heaven
When You live
in my heart.

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