Monday, February 7, 2011

In the Dead of Winter

Raw open longing like a
Baby bird nests in my
Forgiving is easy if you
forget it all and become
nothing. But the longing increases with the nothingness until you must become something or else
you’ll burst!

Unfold and unflower, then, in the mid-September when all around you are those
Closing up shop for the coming winter. Dare
To stand unfolded in the dead of winter.

Stillness is the first step to meaning then
Out of the nothing springs a hope
Not from the mind of man but from the soul of God speaking
“Child, child, child, child.”
He whispers.
Eyes closed you believe.
Eyes open you see the blank void of whiteness

that comes
Only in the dead of winter.
Don’t close your petals because of what you see
There is more than all this nonchalance and apathy
Color splashes color in the dead of winter but
All the colors are red.
Stained with sin.

A blizzard washes white again.
White fades to white, but now
A glistening ice sculpture has encased your frozen petals.
Forgiveness is one frost-melted morning away.

When the Sun comes He warms all things.
Slowly you die, slowly you rise.
You had forgotten how much you loved the Sun
But He has never, never forgotten you.
Awake! Arise!

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