Monday, April 25, 2011

O Sacred Word, Enfold Us


O Sacred Word, enfold us now,
With knee and humble heart we bow,
Seeking eternal truth in thee
Holy Spirit keeping company.
With every page revealed again,
The bloody, sinful, unwashed stain,
Which we ignore until reading brings
A knowledge of beautiful things
In which light we find conviction
In hearts under Jesus’ jurisdiction.

I bemoan the chasings of mortal Man,
Which dissolve and wash away like sand,
And yet we make unholy seem holy,
Standing in our sinful folly.
Instruction and encouragement
Are made a law and lineament.
We strap our backs with burdens heavy
Crying out from self-imposed levy:
Where is the freedom we forsook,
When ill we chose to read the book?

Given, written by hands Divine,
Mulled over like cheap wine
Until each grain of sand under inspection lies
Missing the point as each one tries
Uncovering a truth matching truth not
Discovering what sinful Man’s mind begot
When free we choose unfreedom still
Unknowingly, saving grace we kill
Save our mortal souls, Oh Lord!
Teach us how to read your Word.

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